Henry Budd College for Ministry
Establishment and university at 413 Larose Avenue, The Pas, MB R9A, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Henry Budd College for Ministry: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Establishment University
413 Larose Avenue
The Pas
Manitoba R9A
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+1 204-623-3311
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About henrybuddcollege.org
Henry Budd College for Ministry | A theological college of the Anglican Diocese of Brandon
Henry Budd College for Ministry is an academic institution of the Diocese of Brandon, Anglican Church of Canada. Its purpose is to equip persons (primarily but not exclusively First Nation and Métis) for ministry in the Church and service in their communities. The aims of the College are threefold: a) To provide academic and practical…
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